Founded in 2004, the company Chazaud Pascal Consultant (CPC) offers its services in the field of territorial and European public policies, particularly in the context of the European Union Cohesion policy.
Over the years, the consultancy has specialised in European territorial cooperation (ETC / INTERREG), whether it be support for the development of European programmes such as the interregional cooperation programme to which it has directly contributed over three successive generations (Interreg IVC for 2007-2013, Interreg Europe for 2014-2020 and 2021-2027), support for the development of European territorial strategies (e.g. the Pyrenean Strategy of the Pyrenean Working Community – CTP), or support for the development of INTERREG cooperation projects.
In a more cross-cutting way, its expertise concerns decision-making support and performance improvement, notably through :
- evaluation of results and the implementation of public policies
- capitalisation and transfer of experience.
CPC offers tailor-made support thanks to its in-depth knowledge of European issues and challenges, both from the perspective of programme managers and project beneficiaries.